

For copies of academic papers please contact this email address.

6 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Hi Roger,
    I found the shape changer templates that I got at the Leonardo Geomorph Show a few years back. My step-son is very interested in them, but we cannot figure out how to put them together. Do you have a video on how to do this? Are you offering any workshops in Salt Lake area in 2017?
    Thank you,
    Jenny Elizabeth

    1. Hi Jenny,

      Am so sorry not to have replied sooner – have not checked my website since about April! There are a few shape-changer videos on this site that might help. I will be running a workshop at the 2017 Craft Lake City DIY festival, Saturday August 12th, in Salt Lake City, 1.45 to 2.45 pm, but it’s about Geometry Through Time. after that I could help your step son if he is still interested.

  2. Hi Roger,

    The B.C. comic about the benefits of the triangular wheel that you use in your “Visual Imagination and Invention” article has been one of my favourites for many years:

    I’ve recently obtained permission from the Ida Hart trust to use the strip in an article of my own that I’m writing for the Game & Puzzle Design journal called “Reinventing the Wheel”, but they can’t provide a scan of print quality or even tell me which B.C. book the strip is from (I used to own it about 40 years ago).

    Can you please provide me with a higher resolution scan/photo than the one on your web site and/or tell me which book it’s from?


    1. I should check my website more often!! Sorry for the late reply. I do not have a hi-res of the strip but have created a one cell variation of it for my latest book, ‘3D Thinking.” If you still need something I can send you a high res of my one-cell. The drawing extends the concept by raising a question about reducing the number of bumps, 3, then 2, then 1 – and is a 1 bump wheel a circle – and is the conceptual leap from a 2 bump wheel to a 1 bump wheel possible? How a 0 bump wheel? Of course the other way to go is to add bumps – the more the merrier – which is a bit odd if you really think about it.

  3. Good morning Roger: I had the pleasure of meeting you at Bridges last year. I am very attracted to your path of discovery. I hope that we will have the opportunity to share and enjoy conversations, talks, colloquiums and everything that is possible to continue recognizing the wisdom that is contained in the “language of our ancestors”. Please tell me how we can contact you directly.

    1. Hi Ligia,

      Thanks for your message. Have not been on my website for ages – Working on a new book and lectures. My open email is I hope to hear from you. Just posted a video supplement to my 2020 Bridges paper, “Labyrinths Mysteries and Methods.” A link to the paper and the video are on my YouTube channel rogerburrowsimages – Bridges are putting a page together for all of the 2020 papers plus video links — and a Q & A section.

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