Young Inventor Next Class

PDFPRINTThe next Young Inventors class will be held at the Kimball Arts Center, Park City, Utah. Monday through Friday. April 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. 10:00 a.m.– 12:00 p.m. $150 (10% discount for members) materials included. (Ages 7 to 10). Register with the Kimball Arts Center. Kids are naturally inventive and inquisitive. They also work in a different time frame […]

Images Designs Animation

PDFPRINTThis is my first Blog and hopefully the first of many. I’ve wanted to share my enthusiasm for discovery and for developing new things. I’d like to create Blogs about the Young Inventor Classes that I run, my Images Design and Altair Design Coloring Books, and about new technologies that I have seen, or am working […]