An Octagon Design System

  Mathematicians working within the Islamic culture, from about 900 AD, often used geometry to communicate ideas, instructions, and even to send messages using the Abjad numerological system and the numbers of sides of polygons, rosettes, and other design forms, to encode words and meanings. Walking into the Alhambra in Granada, Spain, for example, is, […]

iBook Published

For those with iPads I’m pleased to announce the publication, by Apple, of my iBook Author title, “Labyrinths.” The title is in the, “Geometry Through Time,” series that covers the cultural applications of geometry through time and includes the titles: The Pythagoreans, Art of the Arabs, The Celts, Nomads, Ancient China, and The Americas. The applications […]

Images Designs Animation

Here’s a new animation from the Hidden Images series published by Running Press, in Philadelphia, USA. These are some images seen in Design # 1 from the title, Garden. The animation was prepared for the Spring 2012 Young Inventor class. The images seen in the design animated below were found and colored by different children and […]

Images Designs Animation

This is my first Blog and hopefully the first of many. I’ve wanted to share my enthusiasm for discovery and for developing new things. I’d like to create Blogs about the Young Inventor Classes that I run, my Images Design and Altair Design Coloring Books, and about new technologies that I have seen, or am working […]