We went to visit an old friend of mine, Nancy Stetson, in Boulder, Colorado, two weekends ago. About thirty-five years ago Nancy asked me if I would design an art studio, to be built on the foothills just above Boulder. This I did using one of the geometries that I had developed and that generated […]
New types of geometry for innovation in 2D and 3D
The Geomorph Exhibition at the Leonardo
The “Geomorph – When Mathematics Meets Art Everything Changes,” at the Leonardo in SLC was very successful with lots of visitors. The exhibition was organized in four sections: 1. Geometry Through Time; 2. Dynamic Sphere Geometry; 3. Shape Changers; and 4. Images and Altair Designs. The workshops also turned out to be a great success with […]
Geomorph PCTV interview
Links for last weeks PCTV interview, “Geomorph – Everything Changes When Mathematics meets Art”: Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZBLr-qUrqo Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnFfnExZNZo Think that my “jargon” is slightly better in the KPCW interview on http://kpcw.org/2012/09/the-mountain-life-sept-12-2012/. Hope to see you next month at the Leonardo!
KPCW – Talking about Geomorph and about the process of invention
Appeared on KPCW this morning to talk about my upcoming exhibition, workshops, and residency, at the Leonardo, in Salt lake City – Utah’s Creative Science and Technology Museum. If you’d like to hear the broadcast please visit: http://kpcw.org/2012/09/the-mountain-life-sept-12-2012/. We talked about my experience as an inventor, and what it takes to be one, but, primarily, we […]
The Leonardo: Everything Changes When Math Meets Art
The “Geomorph,” exhibition date approaches and I’ll be building shape-changing geometrical structures; preparing large high definition LCDs, to display animations of new and ancient geometries, setting up an interactive program designed as a visual and geometrical game of logic; printing out posters that show the geometries and the mathematics behind them, and collecting materials so […]
The Leonardo, Salt Lake City. When Math Meets Art Everything Changes
Do you want to think about geometry in a whole new way? Explore ideas and create amazing designs and dynamic 3D structures? I’ll be presenting old and new geometries that create everything from labyrinths to moon bases at The Leonardo in Salt Lake City, Utah, during October, 2012. The presentation will take the form of a small exhibition/workshop of high-definition animations, 3D structures that […]
Creative Geometry of Close Packing Spheres
I first developed the Dynamic Sphere Geometry in the late sixties; where spheres transform from one close-packing relationship to another, usually in finite sequences. The geometry intrigued me because most of the sphere arrangements generated had never been seen before and were unique. Since first presenting the Dynamic Sphere Geometry, in the early seventies, I […]
Labyrinth “Keys”
In my first iBook title, “Labyrinths,” published by Apple, you’ll find a proposition that “Keys,” were used to design labyrinths of all sorts, from Neolithic to Medieval times. The “Labyrinths,” title is part of the “Geometry Through Time,” series, that I have been working on, where I explore the geometrical systems used by past […]
Visual Imagination and Invention
This web and blog site is primarily about geometry and about new ways to model structures in space. But it is also about imagination and the need to be flexible with the “models” we create, whether they are geometric, or not; modeling anything from an atom to the way a rain drop falls, or how […]
ABJAD Designs Store Coded Messages
I have been working on my latest book, “The Arabs,” – a new title in the “Geometry Through Time,” series. I’d like to share an idea originally formed in the 1960’s, and that I have been further developing for “The Arabs”; that of the possible use of the ABJAD system to store coded messages in […]