Rethinking Randomness by Jeff Buzen

Rethinking Randomness by Jeff Buzen introduces an alternative characterization of randomness and a new modeling framework that together explain the improbable success of these probabilistic models. Jeff used one of my close packing circle arrangements with a corresponding line lattice (connecting circle contacting points) and then an apparently random image selection (cover design) conjured by the […]

Crystal Cave – A new book of geometric designs to color

This is a new book that has just gone to print for Wooden Books (UK) and Bloomsbury (USA, Australia, India). Title is the “Crystal Cave.” The book is full of geometric designs to color by Ensor Holiday, Roger Burrows (me), Roger Penrose, John Martineau, and Haifa Khawaja. Each author has applied different math systems to generate […]


The publisher has asked for new chapters and I have been in the process of adding chapters that cover the geometries of the “river cultures,” – Indus Vally; The Nile; The Euphrates; The Yellow River. I have also broadened the Celtic chapter content to include a broader range of European tribal geometries – primitive as […]

Nancy Stetson’s Art Studio, Boulder, Colorado

We went to visit an old friend of mine, Nancy Stetson, in Boulder, Colorado, two weekends ago. About thirty-five years ago Nancy asked me if I would design an art studio, to be built on the foothills just above Boulder. This I did using one of the geometries that I had developed and that generated […]